
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

Hobbies and Interests:
B-boying, languages, PC Games, Sports, Music, Art, Dance, Ez2Dj, Pump it Up, Japan

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Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it)
1/19/2009 12:02:00 午後

This is a must-watch for both fans and fellow ignorants of the story. (Click)

It's hilarious. :D That's all I need to say. I just had to blog about this cuz it's an epic internet moment. And epic is overused and misused a lot nowadays but this is definitely worthy of the description.

ラベル: ,

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Off The Hook
1/08/2009 08:47:00 午前

There's a war going on in Gaza right now, between the IDF and the militants of Hamas. I won't go into details on this post, but maybe the next post. There's actually a lot to talk about with what CNN calls a crisis.

But more importantly for this post I started to realize just how close we are to what may be what the Bible was talking about in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and how much the world needs Jesus right now. I got into a discussion with my class yesterday and had the opportunity of sharing the essence of the Gospel. It was good, though I dunno if any of them believed what I said or just thought of it as the same mumbo jumbo they might hear at a Catholic mass.

Yesterday I was pretty excited about Jesus and stuff. Cuz I started looking around for more Jesus Muzik and I found a song by The Cross Movement called Off The Hook. As I was listening to this song in the car on the way to work I found myself unable to hold back my tears. By the middle of the second verse I was already sniffling. Cuz the lyrics of the song cut very deep and tell you in a figurative way exactly what the situation is for people.

Easily one of my favorite songs of all time, and definitely the song of the week for me.

ラベル: , , , ,

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