Yup. I've longed for an online game to play that isn't as stressful as CoD:4, and I remember two great games that kept me coming back: Space Cowboy Online, which I played in 2007, now known as
Ace Online; and
Granado Espada. I'd recently tried Ace Online, but it was practically unplayable on my PC because of lag from our network to their server's. So naturally, I picked GE.
I'm glad to say that GE is just as fun as I remember it to be, if not more. However, due to an unfortunate incident with server merging that caused my name to get changed to Canina_4 (and you know how much I hate special characters and numbers in names), I decided it's cheaper and probably more entertaining to start a new account from scratch. Well, not really from scratch. I transferred whatever I could transfer from the old broken account to the new one. And just this week I bought P300 and P580 cards that gave me a lot of GP items and
Adelina's Booty Searches.
So what's changed since last year? Well, for one thing, the economy is a lot different. Some things that were expensive before are cheaper now, and some things we'd grown accustomed to as being cheap are now rare items. It's also difficult to be a low level character because most players are at the mid level (50+) and up. This was also my problem in Granado Espada JP almost two years ago, as there was nobody selling any equipment for low levels.
Still, with a lot of patience and effort, I'm closing in on that mid-level, at which I still have a lot of great equipment from my previous account.
Other changes include some new areas, a lot of new recruitable characters, modified quests, a boatload of new equipment and other items, and so on. But with my limited GP, I decided to get a character I've wanted since I was last active: Feng Ling. Feng Ling was a good choice too. She quickly became my favorite frontline fighter, immediately surpassing my old favorites Idge, Adelina, Lisa Lynway, Karjalainen and Catherine of STR. Why? Cuz Feng Ling is fast and her moves are fun to watch, especially in her specialty stance.
I'm just glad to be back. I've decided to make a savings specifically for GE, so I get to buy the P2,000 GP card every three months. All I need to do is set aside P30 every working day and that's easily achievable. :D