
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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B-boying, languages, PC Games, Sports, Music, Art, Dance, Ez2Dj, Pump it Up, Japan

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Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
3/28/2008 12:08:00 午前

A new strategy role-playing puzzle game has stormed into our lives. Puzzle Quest (for PC)!

What is it? It's an RPG that uses a very basic puzzle game to determine many of the activities that you do, including combat, capturing monsters, and item crafting, among other things. The puzzle game itself is similar to the old game Bejewelled, which is already addictive to say the least. Add in RPG elements such as learning skills, equipping yourself with items that you craft by yourself, and fighting tough monsters that can beat the crap out of you, and you got yourself a winner.

Been playing this game for days now and I can't see myself getting tired of it soon. Though some of the challenges, such as crafting high level stuff, is extremely mind-numbing, I can't pull myself out of it like I just gotta finish it.

The developers of this game did it right. I love this game. Spreading it out to my buddies so we can play multiplayer, which is awesome.

ラベル: ,

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Rainbow Six: Vegas again
3/18/2008 11:07:00 午前

Oh man is this game fun. After lots of training with solo terrorist hunt mode in realistic difficulty and heavy enemy density, suddenly the story mode became lots easier (because I'd gotten the hang of the controls and the weapons by then). The new challenge became trying to find the best tactical way into or out of situations, including preserving my team.

I played it so much yesterday that I dreamt about one of the scenes. And it's cool when you get realistic dreams like that.

Anyway, the first part, which was some border town in Mexico, was rather slow and boring in comparison to the Las Vegas part. We got to raid casinos being held siege by hordes of terrorists. And it's really awesome to have your comrades in weapons free. Set them up behind sufficient cover and they really clear the area. This is the main difference that I've noticed from the old Rainbow Six games I played (particularly Rogue Spear). The teammate AI is really good. They take cover, and they actually fire smart shots including suppressive fire when necessary. In fact, you can probably finish the game without having to fire your own weapon, if you can direct them properly.

Also, stealth isn't as important in this game as it was in Rogue Spear. It's a different kind of fun, like I said. In this game, you can actually survive even if you don't ever use your silencers, even when clearing out rooms with hostages. But in Rogue Spear, even visual cover was very important. I remember that one crazy mission where I had to go into an enemy house, plant a bug in the room, and get out. Leave no trace, kill no one and let nobody see me.

I'll play some more later. I think I'm still a long way from the end of the game. But I hope the future chapters are just as fun, or even more fun, than the casinos part. :D

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Operation: Pathfinder
3/15/2008 10:07:00 午後


I'm going to this game on March 29. I'm really hyped about it. It's not just an airsoft game. It's a game of survival and large-scale missions. The kind that has medics, etc.

I was at a game today with my team in Sitting Ducks gamesite, Libis. It was fun. My second game in a forest setting. I'm starting to learn a few more things about airsofting, and the difference between airsoft guns and real guns, such as how much twigs can protect you from fire.

Pictures, taken by a teammate, will be uploaded soon.

ラベル: , ,

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Guild Wars!
3/13/2008 12:25:00 午前

I'm getting a taste of Guild Wars again, thanks to a friend who lent me an account, after over three years since the Open Beta Weekend given to us in 2004. It was lots of fun back then, and I particularly loved the skill and class system, and the fact that the fields were private. That meant no threat of kill-stealers or looters, or otherwise annoying people during your hunting sessions.

Guild Wars has changed a lot since then. I can't even enumerate them, or even consider them the same game. I mean, the classes are still the same except for expansion classes, but there's a lot of new skills, new changes to skills, etc.

During Open Beta Weekend the only thing we had was a lot of hunting in the fields, and a little bit of the interesting item system. Those things are still existent now, but Guild Wars suddenly became a game focused on exactly what its title calls for: guild wars. It's supposedly a great PVP game (I haven't tried yet, but from all reports, this game was built for team-based PVP). The game places great focus and importance on support classes. In fact, there are more support builds than standard killer builds. From reading up on skills, builds, and strategies, it's all about teamwork and supporting each other.

Which makes Guild Wars awesome. I'm considering buying my own account, but that'll cost me quite a large sum. Maybe in the future. :) For now, I'll try to satisfy myself with borrowing the account.

ラベル: , , ,

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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
3/03/2008 02:36:00 午後

I understand this is another review of an old-ish game, but I might as well write one on it since it's actually my first time to play this game.

So anyway the last time I ever played an R6 game was Rogue Spear, which was obviously years and years ago. So upon getting a taste of the new(ish) Vegas look and feel, not to mention all of the new features and functions, I suddenly felt like all other FPS games are lacking. And that includes Battlefield 2, which is one of the best and most realistic of all FPS games today, in my opinion.

Anyway, what makes Vegas cool isn't necessarily the realism or even the immersiveness. It's not necessarily immersive because there are times when you can see your character in third-person view (particularly when taking cover). It's kinda like a cross between Battlefield and Gears of War, I'd say. It mixes arcade-ish tactics with realism in a strange way that seems to work.

I know a lot of people dislike Vegas, but I have to say, if I stop thinking of it as a faithful R6 game, it's a really fun game that can have you absorbed in it for hours. I literally have to pry myself away from the computer when I play for too long. Even just Terrorist Hunt mode is very exciting.

My main complaint is showing the third-person view of the character when in take cover mode, and the fact that they don't have as many guns as they did back in Rogue Spear. They don't even have basic spec ops/SWAT/military guns like M4's, M16's, and MP5K PDW. That made me a little sad, but I'm told there may be a few mods here and there for that. I haven't done any searching yet, but I'm hoping it's true.

Haven't played enough yet to give any ratings. But so far so good. It's a really exciting and enjoyable game.

ラベル: , ,

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