
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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Bootfighter XP SP-2 (機動戦士ウィンダムXP SP-2)
4/22/2008 04:09:00 午後

A free Gundam clone game has come out, and it's pretty cool, especially for a free game. They call it 機動戦士ウィンダムXP SP-2, or Bootfighter XP SP-2 (English translation name; not literal translation of course) Have some screenshots for fun.You can make your own custom pilots, complete with voices (if you want), which I did, as you can see. It's quite entertaining, though a little complicated to begin. But once you get the hang of it it's really straightforward and you might be compelled to make even more pilots.

This here's a screenshot I took at the beginning of team battle. I didn't take any screenshots during the fight, though I might take an action shot soon enough. It's rather chaotic, and one of the main things you should be thinking of is survival and taking the enemy out. If you get teamed up on by 2 or more Windoms, you're toast.

By the way, I have no idea why the translation has it as Windom rather than Windam (Windam being probably a better juncture of Windows and Gundam). The game itself was produced by a Japanese guy apparently known as YSK, and was translated by Mirror Moon.

The game is clearly addictive, reminiscent of Virtua On and other such similar games. Online multiplayer is supposedly fun, though we haven't yet figured out how to set up the server when behind routers. Yes yes, we know it has to do with port forwarding. I've done it with other games already before, but for some reason it doesn't work with this game.

It's still in its early stages and is still undergoing development and improvement. There's a few bugs and a few annoying things that weren't supposed to be that way, such as autotargetting that you can't turn off, forcing your suit to always face your enemy, making it somewhat difficult to navigate, and causes the game to go nuts when your opponent is directly below or above you. It needs more stages and probably more suits (some people are suggesting a custom Windom creation tool, though I'm not sure that'll ever happen).

My personal suggestion would be to fix the targetting system first. I want to stay locked on to a particular opponent but that doesn't necessarily mean I have to always face them and mess up my maneuvering. I'd like to be able to move around the field normally whether I'm locked on or not, so that the forward movement doesn't necessarily mean "go towards enemy", and the sideways strafe movement doesn't necessarily mean "circle around enemy".

Another thing that I think would make it cool would be first-person view change option. Quite honestly I prefer playing games like this in first-person. And it'd be cool to see you extend your gun before firing, and feeling the vibrations of every projectile you send forth. This may be a long shot for the project, but it's something I'd definitely like to see.

Also, an improvement on the radar system might be good too. It's not bad now but it could be so much better. I want it to look like the radars you would see on any Gundam show. If possible, using actual blips rather than static dots.

Finally (for now), I'd like to see an improvement with the names and pilot portraits with draw distance. Name and pilot portrait are being shown even if you're ridiculously far (as you can see in my second screenshot above). This also increases lag a bit especially when it comes to large scale battles such as Blitz Tactics and Team. We don't need to know who's piloting that Windom more than 2 km away, thank you. They can't shoot us either anyway. We can't even target each other.

All in all it's a great game. I can't wait to see it get developed further.

- edit: My friend Mikko informed me on a few things:
Windam wasn't used apparently because of copyright reasons, because there already was a Windam in the original Gundam.

Auto-target can be turned off by holding the switch target button.

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New NicoNico Medley - Meteor Swarm「ニコニコ動画流星群」
4/15/2008 02:16:00 午前


The NEETs of NicoNicoDouga have come up with a new medley. They call it "Meteor Swarm" (流星群) This one even more NEETeriffic than the first medley I chanced on, which is still one of my favorite things in the world. This new medley is over 14 minutes long including the "credits", and features some of the stuff that was in the first medley, and tons more including stuff that's purely VIP. I mean, you wouldn't even know what some of this stuff is if you weren't up-to-date with the Japanese internet community. And that means not just anime and games. Some people think they know a lot about Japan just because they watched a lot of anime, etc. That doesn't count.

Anyway some of the classic parts here include the BGM they use in るろうに剣心 (I forget the title; it's in the medley but I'm lazy to check), Ievan Polkka, Yatta!, IM@S stuff, lots of 初音ミク songs, etc.

This new medley is at least as epic as the first one, in my opinion. They've successfully captured the whole flow of making the medley of songs sound like it's just one longass song that changes its style here and there. The songs seriously just flow into each other. Their other 20 minute medley didn't quite do that, as the songs had distinguishable pauses between them so you don't really feel like you're singing just one song. And that may be the reason it didn't turn out as well as the first one.

Alright well here's a link to the vanilla version, which is the first version I heard. As of the time of this writing it's still being actively spammed by the Japanese NEETs. It's fun to watch because they really flood the thing with walls of VIP語 and such.

Alternately, I found the karaoke version, for those of us who can read Japanese and want to sing along (some of the lyrics are changed from their original songs, or some songs don't really have lyrics and they just put some in). There's lots of other versions, which you can find in the related links in NicoVideo's website.

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