Well, just as expected,
Perfect World Online is a little bit of a disappointment. But I expected it to be one, so that kinda softens the blow really. Here's a short description of the game experience I had.
The plus side? Well the character creation system really is extremely detailed, and is pretty good. It kinda makes me wonder why, because some of the details you put on your character (such as the little tweaking of cheekbone shape, etc) are only visible when zoomed in substantially. But while you're in-game, you can't really zoom in too much (the character becomes invisible when zoomed in at a certain level). And who would want to play the game zoomed in anyway? There aren't even any screens [as far as I've seen] where the character's face is shown close-up, aside from the character creation screen.
One other thing I liked was the world map. It's one of the better-looking map systems in any MMORPG I've played so far. The one thing it lacked was labels or markers on where NPCs are. Otherwise it's very nice and intuitive.
What I didn't like about the game was that the game system itself is not only generic, but actually below average. It felt really rough and unprofessional, in comparison to a lot of the better, bigger games out there. There was no impact in the animation while fighting. Not even in the form of hit sparks. I mean, it
does have hit sparks, and they
look nice, but they don't make it feel like you actually hit anything. It feels like you swung your weapon around without hitting and for some reason, some kind of lighting effect happened somewhere around your enemy, then a red number pops up on top of your enemy's head. What does it need? It's a little hard to explain. But basically I'm saying it needs to feel like you actually HIT something. Reeling/reacting, a little shaking here or there, maybe some better sound effects, the works. Heck, 2D games can do a better job than that. Not just using sparks and a number. A good example is
Granado Espada. When you hit something in that game it really looks and feels like the enemy took a blow.
A game should provide decent newbie help, not just from NPCs, but from the UI. This can also showcase its features rather early on. New players should be excited to play the game because of what they saw in the help file that popped up when something or other happened. Some of the most successful games did this properly.
SilkRoad Online shows you the berserk system (China), and offers lots of newbie help in the form of quests. It also tells you about the open PVP, and the caravan system.
Trickster Online has a very nice newbie school also.
Granado Espada immediately allows you to use the Multi-Character Control system and the Stance System.
In contrast, the only thing that Perfect World Online makes you excited about is the character customization, which seems to serve no purpose currently other than make your character look different. And it's probably best suited for making really ugly, exaggerated characters, such as those with green skin, large and wide heads, and so on. I mean I love making pretty female characters, and I like that there's lots of options for dressing them up, but if that's all the game has to offer, I'd rather free up the 2++ GB hard disk space and download a good paperdoll game instead or something.
Surely it's got to have some other features to talk about, though. Let's take a look at the website. Oh, apparently, later on, it has territorial battle. Whoopee. Almost every other game out there has that too. Oh wow it has a mail system, and you can mount animals. Amazing. It sounds even more generic now than before.
Oh and back on the topic of newbie help, it's almost non-existent in Perfect World. Even the quests don't tell you much. Yeah they tell you where to go, what to do, but it
doesn't help you learn how to play the game, which is one of the most important uses for newbie quests. All you get is a skimpy two-page help dialog that pops up when you make a new character. It doesn't tell you anything you
need to know, such as what to do, how to fight, how to use skills, etc. A newbie, especially one with no prior experience with other MMORPGs, would be absolutely lost.
The graphics are also not optimized, so much that my new souped-up computer isn't even capable of running the game at semi-low settings without getting choppy backgrounds (I can run almost all other big-time games at max graphic settings with no problems, such as
Granado Espada and
SilkRoad Online). In PW, I'm forced to stay on 1024x768 graphics with everything set on medium and shadows turned off. Even like this, the background can get a little choppy at times. I can only imagine what one with a lesser machine (such as myself before I bought this new machine) would be experiencing with this game.
The game is obviously in its early stages still. From reading the forums, there's a lot of bugs, many of which are terrible, like getting you stuck somewhere or other, and major crashes, not to mention the installer not working and you having to manually patch the thing. Maybe in the future they'll implement some
more unique, and
more interesting features, and not just the ones you see in every other game. Even small-time games out now have better features than this one, and to think this game was hyped and marketed so much in the Philippines, like it was going to be the next big game that everybody's been waiting for.
All in all, I feel a little bad about the game. It had potential and it could've been something great. I guess I'd always known it wasn't going to be good, but it went even lower than my already low expectations, so much that I just had to write this review. They really shouldn't be releasing this to the public just yet, in my opinion. Closed beta until all the bugs are fixed and the game is given some more oomph, at the very least.
My rating:
14/100 (And this is me being nice because of the good character customization system)