
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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Other Possible Reasons for Georgia Conflict?
8/14/2008 05:45:00 午後

One of my friends messaged me and mentioned that oil pipelined underneath Georgia may be a reason for it. I agree that it's completely plausible, and actually it may really be it. According to this article here, Russia has had plans of pipelining oil for a while now (just read the details in the article).

Again, I think it's a great motive. But thinking of it from a military and geopolitical standpoint, I don't think it's a very sound move. Russia has its own oil reserves in various territories including Siberia and the Baltics. It's not an oil powerhouse like the Arab countries but they're not exactly poor either. Their recent alliance with Iran also secures their oil as well, which they get in exchange for nuclear technology.

In my opinion, though plausible, I don't really think oil is the main reason for this conflict. But again I may be wrong of course, since I'm no expert. A bit more oil doesn't seem worth the risk of making an enemy of the world (except Iran and its allies obviously). Even if it were a large amount of oil, they're risking a lot, as all the men of the free world would ride against them. They may be planning that or not, but now is not the time. Not until they have fully realized the power of their allies.

Update, I did more research, apparently there's a train line that goes through Azerbaijan linking Russia and Iran. This may disprove my original theory of Russia wanting control of Georgia for transportation of military supplies and nuclear technology. But it still may be that they're trying to eliminate a democracy that's protected by the NATO and U.N., as President Saakashvili believes, in order to gain full control of the area.

In addition, it seems that Russia is trying to reunite all the old members of the U.S.S.R. to reform the old Russian empire, as per Putin's dictatorial wishes.

Things are still not clear to me, but I still don't believe this war is ending soon. Not with what I see so far anyway.

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