
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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Violent Ceasefire
8/14/2008 09:08:00 午前

As of the time of this writing, violence apparently initiated by Russian troops continues in Georgia, despite what optimists thought would be a peaceful end to the "conflict". I of course knew that this ceasefire was just for show for the Russians. It seems to me that they're trying to make themselves look like the good guys in this war.

They began the war because they claimed that Russians were being harassed in South Ossetia. That may have been a plausible cause for war, but I don't think it would've been enough for such a massive troop deployment, which I keep stressing. According to CNN, it seems that there are at least 15,000 troops in Georgia right now.

"The cease-fire never stood in the first place," Saakashvili told CNN's "Situation Room" on Wednesday. "Russia never intended to stop fire."

He added that "Russian tanks continue to ravage Georgia town and villages, killing people, destroying buildings, looting. ... They've been doing worse things to what I've heard in the past and I could never imagine happening in my country."

(Quotes taken from CNN.com)

Right now, however, Russia is justifying themselves apparently by saying that Georgia should pay for its crimes, and are now asking America to choose a side; the Georgians whom they openly support, or the Russians with whom they dread going to war with on account of knowing they hold what may be the most powerful army in the world today, to say nothing of their nuclear capabilities, of which the world is very much aware.

Last night it seems the Russian troops ran through the town of Gori, south of South Ossetia, and soon after claimed that there are no more Russian troops in Gori. But eye witness reports spot them going southeast from Gori toward Tblisi. I can't find where they ended up since then right now, but I'll try to keep you posted (or you can check the news). All I know is that the ceasefire meant nothing, just like I said last night.

Again, to stress my points I brought up last night, I think Georgia is looking for control over the region. Georgia is protected by the U.N. and NATO, and may be a hindrance to Russia's dealings with Iran and the jihad-hungry Muslims in Iran. This is my main concern and what I think may be happening, but of course I'm no authority so you need not share my views on this.

Now the big question is, what are they doing? Is my feared outcome of total control over the region what will really happen? Is something more frightening brewing? What is going on in the heads of the leaders involved here, including Georgia's president, the White House and the Pentagon, and Vladimir Putin?

I'll continue trying to figure out this situation with the rest of the world. It's sad because I thought I'd be blogging mostly about the Olympics this week (and the stuff happening in the Olympics is pretty cool too, so I just might). But all optimism aside and looking at the situation realistically, we may be looking at the beginnings of the end of the world here.

On a side note, I'm also reading the book Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg. And in frightening detail, this book is describing some of the events that are happening today, despite being written about 2 years ago. It's gripping and eerie. I can't really say I'm scared because that's inaccurate. What I am, though, is very much concerned and yet excited.

I'll keep you posted.

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