
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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グラナド エスパダ 日本サーバー
6/19/2007 08:21:00 午前



Well, GE Japan is awesome. Fundamentally it's the same game. There are some minor differences in some things, like quest NPCs. For example, Brunie Etienne isn't in Cite de Reboldoeux like she is in the English servers, and your first quests as a new player come from a soldier outside (where Brunie should've been standing).

Another difference I noticed immediately is the graphics. Actually, the SEA server client version had better graphics if you ask me. It had a more polished look. The Japanese server looks a lot more fake texture-wise, and some minor cosmetic details such as lip cracks (so the teeth can be seen) are visible. The lighting seems to react differently as well, as in you're getting weird lighting in places that should be shadowed (noticeable in characters' lips).

Another bad point, which is mostly my side though, is that the Japanese IME doesn't work properly when in full-screen mode. I mean, you can type in Japanese and stuff, but the enter key doesn't work. So you can type and type but it'll never send the text out. It works fine when in windowed mode, though. I'm thinking that maybe it's more of a hardware problem (computer unable to handle the processes). Too bad because I never liked windowed mode (and using 1280x1024 windowed mode has UI bugs anyway, such as misplaced windows, and the taskbar popping out on its own). If I were on a Japanese version of Windows, though, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be a problem at all.

Now for some of the strong points. The dubbing is awesome. I appreciate that the GE English translators tried to give us European accents, but the voice qualities for most of the characters were pretty bad (some characters honestly sounded annoying if you're controlling them, like Lisa and the female Wizard). As for the GE Japan version, voice quality is really superior. Everything is in Japanese, but I'm pretty sure they hired professional seiyuu for this. None of the three characters I started with sound annoying at all, which is good. If anybody's going to sound annoying, it won't be one of the characters I started with. Heh.

Like I said in the Japanese text I typed up there, I'm hoping I'll meet a few people that speak English, even a little, to help me learn. One of the purposes of my migration to this server anyway is for me to further my knowledge of Japanese. I've put on myself to learn at least 1 Kanji everyday (if I can do 5 or more, go go go!).

Server is in maintenance right now (sadly), so I can't play until 1 PM Japanese time (12 noon here).

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