Alright so I got me a new video card (ATI Radeon X1550 256 MB), and as a surprising bonus, I also got a new 17" LG LCD monitor. The only thing I'm lacking right now to be completely satisfied is another 1 GB RAM, which I'll get with my own money sometime soon-ish.
So I'm really happy with my new PC. After a lot of set-up and configuration issues (like fixing jumpers on the motherboard and stuff), I got to test my new video card and LCD monitor with the only graphics-heavy game I have on the PC right now, Granado Espada. Oh man the game is even more beautiful with all the graphical features turned on! D:
I'm grinding slowly because I don't really want to spend all day playing the game. That, and I don't want to leave Micko and Francis' levels too far behind. But I am pretty excited to get my Elementalist to level 30, so I can use the 2nd tier of stances for stronger magic and stuff. Meanwhile I dunno what to do with my fighter. ~_~ Not sure what stance I like, until I get the sword + gun stance and/or the rapier stance.
ラベル: Granado Espada, MMO, MMORPG, PC