
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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B-boying, languages, PC Games, Sports, Music, Art, Dance, Ez2Dj, Pump it Up, Japan

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Rakion Final Analysis
3/16/2007 11:47:00 午前

Here's my final analysis on Rakion. Rakion is a fun game in essence, but your enemy, aside from foul-mouthing, ill-mannered Filipinos, is really lag. This game is best played over a LAN, where you get pings of under 100, which would probably make it one of the most kickass cyber cafe games. Or you should get a super fast connection like 512 DSL or T1 or something (128 just doesn't cut it unless they're in the same area).

Overall, the fun is being hampered by the inability to kill, and the unfriendliness of the players in the game, always thinking that even if you're a newbie still learning the game (and trying to play even with lag), that you're some kind of long-time player who's just stupid. I try to ignore the players but it's hard when you spend most of the time dead, or running away trying to stay alive.

On a side note, I'm actually considering just going back to playing a MMORPG... I dunno. I'll keep searching.

ラベル: ,