
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

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組曲「ニコニコ動画」(NicoNico Animation Medley)
12/14/2007 03:05:00 午後

I have to say, this is one of the greatest contributions of the Japanese NEETs in the entire history of the great interweb. I've been listening to this song almost solely for the past four or five days. I'm in the habit of looping songs I like, and this is certainly no exception. However, this is even more special, because it's a medley of different songs that became popular in NEET circles. So it seriously doesn't get tiring. In fact, by the end part, I can't wait for the song to start over. It's awesome fun to sing along to (even if I only know about less than half of the references in this song).

Of particular note is one of my favorite parts of the song, which is the 思い出は億千万 song, somewhere around the middle. Omoide wa Okusenman, which means "110,000,000 memories", is a truly awesome song, which goes well with the theme of the entire medley. It seems to take you to some of the greatest, and maybe some of the most nostalgic, things the internet has ever spoken about, from both anime and gaming. This is including stuff ranging from Super Mario to Haruhi, from Final Fantasy to Prince of Tennis. From Megaman to AIR. lol

Additionally, the singers, a bunch of NEETs (I assume), or just plain fun-loving fans of such things and avid nicovideo.jp people, sound like they're having such a great time singing the medley. The song makes me happy listening to it, and really gets me going. Even the way it was arranged was awesome. It's so awesome that lots of people are making their own versions (just re-singing the same song with their own personal touches). There's a Haruhi version, featuring Nayuta who was also in the original medley. Nayuta is a voice-alike of Aya Hirano, the seiyuu behind Haruhi of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya & Konata of Lucky Star. Actually their voices are so similar that it's kinda scary. D:

So anyway, I don't like the idea that I'm a NEET right now (but that'll change soon since I'm getting a job; I'm already practically hired but work doesn't start until January). I don't really like being considered an otaku. But somehow I forget all of that and just enjoy myself when I listen to this song. And somehow I can even say it's fun to be a NEET/otaku.

Anyway yeah. Just thought I'd share. There's various uploaded versions of it in NicoVideo (of course), YouTube, TokyoTosho and maybe other similar torrent sites. Take your pick on which flavor you like most. :D The version I'm listening to over and over is this one (may need to register/sign-in to NicoVideo to view it; if it's too hard I'll upload the flv file somewhere, though you can probably find it on YouTube by copy-pasting the term ニコニコ動画.

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