Wow. Well, since PIU is gone, I don't have much to do at Megamall. But good thing there's a new Soul Calibur 3 machine at TimeZone there. It's awesome. Even better, since almost nobody really knows what he's doing. So with my SC2 background, I have a chance to learn SC3 quickly and be among the top players there. I'm researching moves lists and stuff now.
Been hanging around the WD4J (JZone's dance ministry) during their practice sessions. They're having another tomorrow, and I'm taking Abby with me. We have intentions of auditioning for the ministry after their dance concert this June.
As for my training, I'm able to do about 60 ab crunches in 2 sittings. I was actually only able to pull off like 25 ab crunches at a time, but I was able to sneak in a few extra to make it 60. I think in a few days I'll be able to hit 100 in 3 sittings or better. And God's been merciful to me, because even though I'm doing that, my abs haven't hurt yet at all (like muscles normally do the day after you use them heavily).