
Takuya Reyes
Jesus Zone
Born: 12.05.1983

Hobbies and Interests:
B-boying, languages, PC Games, Sports, Music, Art, Dance, Ez2Dj, Pump it Up, Japan

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God is Good
5/07/2005 03:06:00 午前

Now listening to: Bump of Chicken - Sailing Day

Well, God has proven Himself faithful yet again. If you remember last week's post, I mentioned my friend Shah. I met with him again at Soul Stop, and he tells me that his sister contacted him Thursday. She was telling him how angry his parents were for his accepting Jesus Christ, among other things. But Shah is just happy that he's getting any contact at all with his family. Thanks to everybody who prayed, and to God be the glory for this!

Because I'm in a little physical pain right now (my left leg has a kink in it; I think I fell asleep in an awkward position, because the lower right side of my back hurts too), I spent a little time yesterday playing Soul Calibur 2 (instead of playing Ez2Dancer all the way), which I haven't done in almost two months I think. I got challenged, and that's where you really know you haven't played in two months, because I lost for the most part. I won two out of four matches, but I can say that the time that I won when I was using Taki (my former best character) was a stroke of luck instead of skill, because he gave me a mercy round after beating me horribly the first two rounds, and then he ringed out on the last two rounds on flukes IMO (it's a best of 5 round game). The other time that I won, I was using Talim, who is always confusing overall. I can attribute this a little to skill, but frankly, I just did what every good Talim player does; be unpredictable. He probably hasn't played against any Talim players in a while either, because it felt like he was in shock when I was doing some of the moves, which were pretty much basic. Anyway, it was a good set of matches there overall, and I'm glad I had fun even if it's my first time playing in a while. I still played Ez2Dancer though, just not as many games as I normally would. My leg went numb after a few games. I think the air conditioning should be boosted there too, because it's getting nasty with the humidity if you ask me.

About two days ago, an old friend of mine back from my chatting days, Joiz, contacted me, asking if we could meet sometime. Of course, I'd be happy to meet with her. I haven't seen her in a long time, and she doesn't even know that I've accepted Christ yet. But aside from that, I realized something from her contacting me, which is that I have a lot of other old friends that I need to get in touch with again. I'll try.

Speaking of friends, next week is a very exciting week for me and everybody at JZone, because we'll be having a JCone event, which is an Evangelistic ice cream event, where you get to eat free (?) ice cream, while sharing the Gospel to your friends. So I'm encouraged to bring friends along.

Finally... yesterday Indiana played game 6 against Boston, and lost in OT. This annoys me, because now they have to go play game 7 in Boston, which is a basketball city. This could get ugly for Indiana...